11 Tips for Writing Texts for a Website in Terms of SEO – How to Get Your Site Noticed on Search Engines

Writing Texts for a Website in Terms of SEO

Search Engine Optimization is a must for any website that wants to attract visitors and potential customers. The user experience (UX) and site usability (SU) are also important, but search engine algorithms tend to place greater emphasis on keywords and meta tags when it comes to ranking websites. Websites can use different methods to improve their SEO, including the use of relevant keywords throughout the site in product descriptions, titles, and tags. Writing effective texts for a website in terms of SEO requires identifying those keywords and tailoring them accordingly. Here are 7 tips for writing texts for a website in terms of SEO that will help you achieve your objectives:

1. Use the keywords in the meta title and description.

The product name / the service you offer is the most important keyword about SEO that you can use. It is also the first SEO tip regarding writing texts for a website. If you have the product name available, you should use it in the title and description, as well as in the other product texts. If you don’t know what your product name is, you can use the main product features. However, you should always try to include your product name in the title and description to increase your relevance, especially if your website is in the e-commerce industry.

2. Add relevant product-related keywords to your titles.

Another tip for writing texts for a website in terms of SEO is adding keywords to your titles. The title is one of the most crucial elements of any article, and it should contain the main keywords to optimize. If possible, you can also use your product name in the title. Most people don’t read the whole article, so the title is what they’re going to see first. Titles that are too long are often ignored, but short titles that are straight to the point will get more hits.

3. The first sentence should answer the user’s question.

The first sentence should answer the question the user typed in the search engine. As we already said in the introduction of this article, you should ask yourself what would you type if you wanted to find your product. If you can’t answer the question, you should ask someone else for help. People skim articles and only read the first sentence. If your title and first sentence don’t match, you could lose potential customers. However, if your first sentence answers the user’s question, they will be more likely to continue reading and converting.

4. The Importance of H1, H2, and SEO Headers

These tags help optimize your website content so that it can be found by search engine bots on any search engine. Let’s take a look at what each of these tags does and why they are so important for SEO.

What is an H1 Header?

H1 is the most important SEO header on your website. It is used to describe the main topic of your content, and it’s also the most visible when someone is skimming through your website for information. This is the perfect place to include your primary keywords that you want to rank for in search engines. You want to make sure to choose keywords that are descriptive of your content and that have the highest potential to be searched for. H1 is typically the largest heading on your web page, followed by H2, and so forth. However, this isn’t a rule; it’s just a suggested guideline that many content creators use. The H1 tag is important because it is the first thing that a search engine will see. This means that it must be eye-catching and descriptive of the information that follows.

What is an H2 Header?

The next most important SEO header on your site is the H2 header. This is where you should start getting into the specifics of your content. This is where you should start including the keywords that you want to rank for. This is where you should start to weave in your most important information. The H2 header is what people will read if they’re skimming your content. The H2 header is what people will read if they’ve already read the H1 header and are still looking for more information. H2 tags are important because they’re the second thing that a search engine will see when they visit your page. This means that you don’t want to stuff keywords in this section, but you do want to make sure that the keywords are there. If they aren’t, they may not even click on your website.

How to Create SEO Headers?

For your H1 header, you want to include your main keyword. For your H2 header, you want to include your primary keyword as well as any secondary keywords. This is the best way to include keywords that will help you rank higher in search engines. This is the best way to make sure that your content is properly organized so that people can find it easily.

5. Use synonyms and related words.

Another effective tip for writing texts for a website in terms of SEO is to use synonyms and related words. For example, if you want to use the word “green” as a keyword, you can use the words “dark green,” “forest green,” and so on. The more words you use, the better. Don’t try to force too many words into your text. If you can’t naturally incorporate the keywords into your content, then your articles may sound unnatural. Generally, it’s best to let the writing flow as naturally as possible.

6. Break text into paragraphs

Break the text into short paragraphs. Maybe this is more of a UX feature, but we must remember that we write text for users first, then we think about SEO. Such text is easier to read and if we attract users to the site, it is to keep them as long as possible. 

7. Use highlighting of key phrases

Highlighting the key phrase in the text by bolding, underlining or skewing the text will show search engine robots which phrases are the most important and the most important.

8. Internal linking

Internal linking is an important aspect of SEO. It allows you to easily (via a link) show users and search engine robots the way to thematically related texts. If there is a phrase in our text that is closely related to another article, it is worth linking to it. It is a very good practice to use a table of contents at the beginning of your article. It is also a form of internal linking and an important UX factor. It makes it easier for users to find the content they want. Also, the section with the previous and next articles is a form of internal linking and “similar products” in the case of ecommerce.

9. bullet points and subheadings

"Users only read the headlines and subheadings." Yes it's true. Not all but most of them. If someone is really interested in the text,  will read it from the first to the last letter. It is easier to read text divided into paragraphs and headings than one long block of text. Search engine robots also "like" structured text, numbers, and bullets. 

10. What is E-A-T ?

E-A-T stands for three English words: expertise, authority, and trustworthiness. Together, these three values ​​first appeared in the Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines. The document is intended for the benefit of Google employees who manually verify the results and check that the algorithms actually display the best possible content.

11. 50-70 characters for the meta headline, 70-80 for the meta description, and 250 for the Full Product /Service Description. Remember the E-A-T rule

The headline is one of the most important parts of any article, but it is often the one that is overlooked and given less importance. With that in mind, these are two SEO tips to take into account when writing texts for a website. With regards to the headline, you should keep it around 50-70 characters, and the description up to 80 characters. You can use the rest of the characters for the rest of your article, but don’t go over 250. The keywords in your meta title and description are important, but so is the user experience. The user should have an enjoyable and simple experience when reading the headline and the rest of the article.


The best websites are designed with the user in mind. They are easy to navigate, provide helpful information, and look good doing it. What many people don’t know is that the best way to design a website is to design it with search engines in mind. The key to designing a website that ranks well on search engines is to use the right keywords throughout your content.  The most important thing to keep in mind is that each text should focus on one keyword, and that keyword should be relevant to your product.